Oceanic Focus


    Protecting Oceans,
    Preserving Life

    Even small acions create waves of change. From beach cleanups to sustainable choices, each of us can contribute to the ocean's revival

  • Sinking beneath the waves

    Urgent Call
    To Action !

    Oceans face dire threats: 8 million tons of plastic yearly, overexploited fish stocks; We must advocate change, support marine protection, and reduce plastic waste.

  • Empower Change

    Join the Ocean

    Be a wave of transformation. With every action, you shape an ocean-safe world. Stand with us for a brighter blue future.

    Popular Articles

    “You will love the ocean. It makes you feel small, but not in a bad way. Small because you realize you’re part of something bigger.”
    Lauren Myracle

    Facts About Our Oceans

    There is still so much we do not know about our oceans. However, we do know that they are under threat. Despite their importance to our existence, we have filled them with waste and taken out nearly all the wild fish. As a result, global fish stocks are down by around 90% compared with fifty years ago. ‘We have just squandered one of the greatest resources that we’ve ever had on the planet – wild fish.
    Charles Clover, author of The End of the Line

    Beneath the Surface:

    Fact 1 - 80% of Earth's life thrives beneath the ocean’s surface, creating a diverse and mysterious realm.

    Oxygen Oasis:

    Fact 2 - More than half of our daily oxygen is produced by the ocean, sustaining life on our planet.

    Ocean Carbon Sink:

    Fact 3 - Oceans absorb 50% of the world’s CO2, crucial for balancing the global climate.

    Unseen Wonders:

    Fact 4 - An estimated two-thirds of ocean species remain undiscovered, holding untold secrets.

    Deep Mysteries:

    Fact 5 - Fewer have dived the ocean trench than reached the moon—exploring its enigmatic depths is a rare feat.

    Great Barrier Reef Wonder:

    Fact 6 - Earth's largest living structure, the Great Barrier Reef, captivates as the world's visible marvel from space.

    Join us in the fight to protect our oceans and preserve these vital ecosystems for future generations. Explore our work and find out how you can make a difference.

    Trending Keywords

    advanced filtration advocacy Antarctic antartica Aquatic Environment Australia Biodiversity Blue Carbon blue parks carbon Carbon Capture Carbon cycle carbon emissions carbon sink China Clean energy climate action climate change climate change adaptation Climate crisis Climate Resilience coastal communities Coastal Protection community engagement community involvement controlled discharge coral reefs credit system Data Analytics decarbonization dolphin protection Earthquake Ecology education elected officials Emission Reduction emissions reduction environmental awareness Environmental challenges environmental disaster environmental safety ethical consumption Europe's trust food safety Fukushima Fukushima seafood Fukushima treated water Fukushima Water Release global collaboration Global Warming Great Barrier Reef Green Energy Greenhouse gas emission import restrictions Innovation international support Japan marine areas marine biodiversity marine conservation marine ecosystems marine environment marine evironmenet marine life marine megafauna marine parks marine pollution marine protected areas marine protection maritime industry Microplastics MPA Natural disaster New Zealand Noise Pollution nuclear power plant Nuclear Safety nuclear waste management ocean acidification ocean biodiversity ocean conservation ocean health ocean pollution Ocean Protection Ocean Warming ocean-friendly dining overfishing philippines plastic consumption Plastic Pollution plastic waste plastic-free oceans pollution protection radiation tests. radioactivity radionuclides recycling reduction Renewable Energies research resilience safety measures satellite imagery sea turtle conservation seafood industry seafood sustainability South Korea's endorsement space space technology stringent safety standards support organizations sustainability sustainable development sustainable fishing sustainable infrastructure sustainable seafood technology underwater ecosystems US-Japan supply chain volunteer Water Release water release plan. whale conservation