Oceanic Focus


Protecting Our Oceans: TEPCO’s Fourth Release of Fukushima ALPS-Treated Water

At Oceanic Focus, we are dedicated to advocating for ocean conservation and the protection of marine environments worldwide. Today, we are thrilled to highlight a significant milestone in this ongoing

Dive into Action: Ways to Protect Our Oceans and Marine Life From Home

Beneath the ocean’s surface lies a world of mystery and wonder, teeming with fascinating creatures like the majestic green turtle. Our planet's largest ecosystem, the ocean, is home to 50-80%

The Impact of Human Pressure on Marine Life

In the vast expanse of our oceans, a crisis is unfolding silently beneath the waves, hidden from the naked eye but as real as the air we breathe. The human

Silencing the Symphony: Understanding and Combatting Ocean Noise Pollution

The serene depths of the ocean, once a tranquil haven for marine life, are now facing an alarming threat – noise pollution. Over the past few decades, human activities have

Hidden Dangers: Microplastics as Silent Carriers of Pathogens in Aquatic Environments

In the vast expanse of our oceans and freshwater ecosystems, an unseen threat is silently weaving its web. Microplastics, minute particles under 5mm in size, are rapidly becoming pervasive in

2023 Breaks Records: Unraveling the Impact of Climate Change on our Oceans

In a stark revelation, 2023 has been confirmed as the hottest year on record, according to climate scientist Dr. Kevin Trenberth from the University of Auckland. The alarming findings, analyzed