Oceanic Focus

Author: oceanicfocus Team

Hidden Dangers: Microplastics as Silent Carriers of Pathogens in Aquatic Environments

In the vast expanse of our oceans and freshwater ecosystems, an unseen threat is silently weaving its web. Microplastics, minute particles under 5mm in size, are rapidly becoming pervasive in aquatic environments worldwide. Emerging from various sources, including industrial raw material nurdles and the degradation of larger plastic items, microplastics have evolved into a pressing […]

Navigating the Complex Waters: The Challenge of Media Narrative in Fukushima’s Treated Water Discharge

The complex issue of Fukushima’s treated water discharge from the damaged nuclear power plant has become a focal point of international concern, raising questions about media narratives and the challenge of addressing misinformation. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) faces an uphill battle in shaping the narrative surrounding the treated water release, as different countries interpret […]